Did you suffer the january blues?

 January is that really long month that seems to drag on - finances dwindle due to the ‘early pay’ you received in December and everything is grey. Experts label January as the most depressing month of the year. The dip in mood can be detrimental to personal well-being, especially those who are already suffering from mental health. January comes at a price, and that is, this relentless pressure to ‘change’.


The ‘bad days’ start to outweigh the ‘good days’ and the most innocuous thing can tip you over the edge. You are filled with all the hope in the world that this year will be better, you excitedly watch that clock strike 12. The sheer pressure of not being able to fulfill all those aspirations that you pledged to yourself, can create a sense of low worth and failure.


Here’s the thing: January is just another month. The second we start to disassociate the New Year with ‘a New Me’, we can begin living our lives without being forced to self reflect and pick out our flaws.


Here are our top tips to wave January goodbye and start your self pledges when it feels right to you!


  1. Use January as a time for rest, not reflection

The social calendar at the end of the year is pretty full on, from Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night and of course Christmas. You may feel overwhelmed with the amount of people you have been around, especially as we creep out of this pandemic. Use January to rejuvenate and recharge.


  1. Use the sales to your advantage

The retail frenzy can be a good thing. Why wait for someone else to gift you! Use this retail spike to go out and treat yourself while the discounts and deals are hot. It's a great feeling being able to buy something you have always wanted for yourself. Go the full hog and wrap it up and open it at a special time. Go ahead, you deserve it!


  1. Get ahead

January isn't exactly hot on the social calendar, as everyone seems to be indoors. The funds are historically low, the weather isnt the best and everyone is partied out.

Use this time to think about all the wonderful things you would like to do in the coming months. This should not be mistaken as a new years resolution, this is a ‘Wish List’. We want you to use this quiet period to sit back and see yourself doing all the things you love. As we exit January - this tip can be used in any month of the year. Manifestation is a beautiful thing.


  1. Reverse resolutions

Why are we fixated to changing ourselves in the New year? Why can't we focus on all the AMAZING things we do instead.. We want you to use the beginning of the year to list all the great things you do. This could be, ‘I am a great listener’, so your reverse resolution will be, I will continue to be a great listener. This is not only empowering, but also allows you to acknowledge all your positive traits instead of focusing on what you need to change.


By Priya Chauhan


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